Thursday, October 6, 2016


    The Death card falls upon our path today. Like the seven of bats yesterday, Death calls for an ending so that a new beginning may arise. The skeleton in the card is about to water the pumpkins on the ground. This signifies a time of refreshing and renewal that is coming into your life. New opportunities will blossom and a new life is over the horizon. The flowers in the background also depict new growth in the near future. But in order for the new to sprout, the old must fade away. What is it that no longer serves you in your life? Is it a way of thinking, a way of doing things, a relationship or a career choice that you now feel stuck in? Whatever it is, release, trust and move onward. The Universe wills that you live your highest potential; the old ways are no longer the path to joyful living. Let Death sweep away all that is no longer pertinent to your life at this time so that a new beginning may commence.

    The ankh in the card also represents the cycle of life, Death and rebirth. This symbol speaks of eternity and the immorality of the soul. By using the symbol of the ankh, Death counsels us to ponder the mysteries of the hereafter and the reality of the Divine. For it is God from which we come, and it is to God that we will return. And it is God that is the ultimate strength of our lives. With the Divine Being as our companion in this life, we will be strengthened at all times, and the cycles of life, death and new beginnings will always be a blessing that brings wisdom to our souls.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


    Today's card is the seven of bats. The bats in the Halloween Tarot are the equivalent of the swords in a regular deck. The seven of bats calls for a packing up and moving away. This move may be figurative or literal. But the premise here is, what is it that you need to move away from and leave in the past? The time for new horizons has come, and you can no longer stay in a place or a situation that is stagnant, stressful or unchanging. You know what changes must be made in your own life, or what circumstances must be severed. If you do not listen to your own inner voice and refuse to make this move, the bats will become your enemies and pierce you with their teeth; this is much like the swords in a regular tarot deck which can represent anxiety and stress that can sometimes run us through. Of course, any piercing by anxiety or stress will be of your own doing by refusing to make the needed and healing changes in your own life. The black cat on the card represents your spirit guide who is taking this journey with you. The cat appears on all of the Halloween cards and is there to remind us of the spiritual support in our lives.

    The seven of bats can also represent a person who is selfish or dishonest. This person is certainly a taker and seldom the giver. If there is someone in your life that you're having doubts about, trust your intuition. This card is telling you that that person does not have your best interests at heart.


Tuesday, October 4, 2016


    It's October, Halloween month. Most people who read the blog know that this is one of my favorite times of the year. I generally like to keep the blog fairly light and in tune with the season during this time. I thought we would start out the month by doing some daily fortune-telling with the Halloween Tarot:

    Today's card is the five of ghosts. The ghosts in the Halloween Tarot are the equivalent of the cups in a traditional deck. Thus, the five of ghosts depicts brooding, or suffering emotionally or mentally over something that you have lost or perhaps trying to obtain and it keeps eluding your grasp. This card also shows dissatisfaction because one feels that something is out of place or missing in their lives. What is it that keeps you from feeling balanced and centered? Who or what is the key factor that keeps your thoughts churning or your emotions in turmoil? You are the only one who knows if this particular goal is obtainable or if it has passed you by completely. If the goal is still obtainable, the spirits tell you to have patience. What is yours will come to you, but you must have faith and not strain or struggle with the issue. If the goal has passed you by, and is no longer a viable option for you, the spirits encourage you to gather your energy and move on with your life. The ghosts in the card hover around the pumpkin man; they represent his guides and they're waiting for him to reach a conclusion and ask for their help. In the same way, your spirit guides are waiting for you to take action and ask them to show you the path that leads away from stagnation and sorrow, and into the light of a new day.


      It would do well for many religious people, Christians and self-proclaimed, Evangelical political leaders to remember these words. For...