Tuesday, June 12, 2018


    Most of Us walk through our day parroting statements that others have said, and thinking about things that we've seen on television or heard on satellite radio. But how many of your thoughts during the day are actually your own. We have been so programmed buy the world around us, that most of us have lost touch with who we really are. We march through the days like automatons who have been designed to carry out certain repetitive tasks. But what about you, the real you? That person is in there somewhere, maybe it's time you find him or her and bring that person to the surface of your consciousness. Wouldn't life be more joyful if we were all true to ourselves? It's not against the law to be your authentic self. It just might make life a little more pleasant. You have thoughts, dreams, ideas, things you'd like to explore and an inner child who would like to come out to play. It's time to open up the box you have been put in and let these things emerge.

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