Monday, December 19, 2016


      The holidays are coming up this week, and where there will be many making merry, there will be others who will feel depressed and downtrodden. Others will feel self-conscious because they do not have the money to buy expensive gifts. And also there are those who feel unloved or unwanted, because there's no one to give them a gift.  The holiday season isn't about what we can give or receive. It isn't about wishing for a time machine so that we may go back in time and relive the best of our days. The holiday season isn't just for people of a particular religion either.  It is a time of year when the spiritual energy is high on our planet. It is a time when feelings of love and goodwill are prominent in the hearts of many,  and the angels draw ever closer to us all.  It is a time of year when you can give the greatest gift of all to yourself. And that is the gift of contemplating the presence of the Divine in the world around you.  Feel the peace of Spirit  in the wintry wind as it whispers through the barren treetops. See the light of the Divine in the December moon and the twinkling of the stars.  See a miracle waiting to be born in the festivals of the holiday lights.  Close your eyes and feel the presence of the angels in the room around you in the serenity of a winter twilight. There is a great peace that settles over us when we contemplate the presence of God all around us, and in all things. There is a deeper faith, and a knowing that everything will be alright when we know that we are not alone in this world.  The experiences are limitless and personal to each individual when they enter into this mystical state of divine contemplation. And those experiences are truly the most magical gifts any of us could ever receive.  So don't let yourself get caught up in the materialistic mindset or the holiday blahs that so easily beset many in this world that we live in. There are greater things to ponder in our lives, and in the universe. And those things can change your life forever.

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 Angels are spiritual beings of light that walk with us and guard and guide us on the path of life... But angels can also be God's thoug...