Monday, June 18, 2018


    When you feel inspired by feelings of love, joy, euphoria and peace; this is your angels and guides pointing you in the right direction. They also communicate with you through hunches, intuitions, strong gut feelings, inner knowing, dreams and sometimes even an audible voice that comes out of nowhere. It is not a difficult thing to do to be guided by spirit. All you have to do is tune in to what's really going on inside of your own heart. There is always a feeling there that is like someone taking us by the hand and gently trying to lead us in the proper direction. It is never fearful, condemning or negative in any way. Although sometimes it can make us feel very wary of situations or people that may be unhealthy or dangerous to our well-being. Spirit is always speaking to us, learn to listen in love.



     Many Christians and religious people are interested in the paranormal. But yet, they feel apprehensive about exploring or discussing th...