Monday, October 1, 2018


    Greetings dear blog readers, I do apologize to all of you for the few and far between entries on the blog lately. I know some of you read it daily and take inspiration from it's words. But there has been good reason for these breaks and delays. After many years of blogging, the Spirit Side is beginning to grow in leaps and bounds. There is now the Spirit Side YouTube channel, and the Spirit Side podcast; which has already launched two episodes.

    The Spirit Side podcast can be heard on anchor, Spotify, Google podcasts, breaker, Pocketcasts, radiopublic and Stitcher. The podcast will soon be available on all of the available platforms including iTunes. So I hope that many of you will listen to and support the podcast as well. There's going to be some really great content on the podcast that I am truly excited about. But have no fear, just because there are YouTube channels and podcast, does not mean the blog will be going away. As of today, October 1st 2018, the blog will resume its regular posting schedule. And of course, I will be sharing here some of the videos and links to the podcast as they become available. Whoever would have thought that this small little blog would turn into something with so many components. It is truly a blessing to be able to reach as many people as possible with a positive message of love and light. And I'm truly grateful to all of you who have read the blog over the years. You guys are the best.

Spirit Side YouTube channel -

The Spirit Side Podcast on Spotify -

1 comment:


      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...