Monday, October 1, 2018


    Walk your own path in this life. Don't follow the road that everyone else is walking upon. You are a unique individual with unique desires that make you who you are. Don't worry if the world thinks you're strange, weird or an oddball. Stay true to yourself. If you observe society around you, you will see many people who are depressed, angry, anxious and even joyless in their lives. This is largely because many of these individuals are just flowing with the stream of the world around them. They follow the latest social trends, they by the latest technology, they gain their inspiration from reading the latest meme. But their souls are starving for something else, something more that they cannot even identify any more within themselves. But you want something more, you know there is something more. And that something more lies on your individual path. Stay true to yourself, follow your heart and it will lead you to the place of ultimate contentment and happiness.


  1. TRUTH! Love you my friend. You are and will always be inspirational. Love and Light ~G

  2. Thank you G, blessings to you! 😊



      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...