Thursday, September 13, 2018


    Medical science has proven time and time again, that the mind has a definite effect upon the physical body. Could it be that the metaphysicians of old were right? Could it be that all of the disease that we see around us in the world is there because we put so much focus an emphasis upon it? Think about it, how many images and thoughts of illness does the medical community foist upon us, and how many times a day are we reminded of terrible and terminal diseases through the advertisements of the big pharmaceutical companies? What would happen if we took our thoughts and attention away from such things, and focused upon love, peace, good health and harmony? The results May surprise us.


  1. I have seen this happen with my own family. Not seeing the sweetness in life and lamenting about the past, and "suddenly" a disease affects the pancreas. Prolonged grief about a life or a lover that never materialized and "suddenly" lung cancer. Louise Hay wrote the book "Heal Your Life" and it gives affirmations that correspond with the illness. Affirmations are one thing, and belief is another. A person truly has to believe that he or she can heal, that he or she doesn't have all of the answers, and ask for guidance. Christel Nani also has a book "Sacred Choices" She delves into the various archetypes we all vibrate to.....and how we can heal using that information and some powerful words for each archetype. I have not been a fan of allopathic medicine for most illness. Thank you, Paul for your insight.

    1. Our thoughts certainly affect the physical body. Thanks for commenting Buffy. And I used to have that book by Louise Hay. It's a popular one.



      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...