Friday, June 22, 2018


    Some of you have probably already noticed, that the blog has gone back to being The Spirit Side. That is because with the Inception of my YouTube channel, I have been talking a lot about my personal paranormal experiences and stories of the supernatural that I've heard over the years in doing spiritual house cleansing for some people. The YouTube channel is connected to the blog and vice versa. So here we go.

    If you're looking for a good ghost story this weekend, you might want to watch my latest video. This story was told to me back in the mid-1990s. After I had did a house cleansing for someone we were talking to some of the neighbors and a woman by the name of Anna k told me about her paranormal intruder.

1 comment:


      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...