Monday, June 25, 2018


    It seems to be the fashionable thing to do these days, they call it, going ghost. To go ghost on someone, means to just completely disappear without a word or warning. Now to do such a thing, may be called for if a particular person is abusive or even overly toxic to be around. But most of the people who are ghosted, are just average individuals who don't even know what they did or what happened. People they love and are in relationships with, best friends and family members just disappear on individuals for no apparent reason. This can be a very devastating thing for someone to go through. No word of warning, no closure, just sudden outright abandonment. I think we need to ask ourselves these questios before going ghost on someone: does the person really deserve it, did they do something that horrible to just be thrown away and abandon in such a way, and would we want this done to us buy someone we care about? Some people think it's cool, and pride themselves on how well they can go ghost. But going ghost does not disappear in the eyes of the Divine Spirit or the law of karma. What we do to others, will come back to us one day; whether in this life or the next. No one can go ghost on universal justice. And always remember, it is how we treat others in this world that matters most in the grand scheme of things.

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