Tuesday, June 19, 2018


    It is a sad thing to notice that's so many people these days criticize others in horrible ways. The elderly are called stupid and worthless, people with disabilities are called retards and useless eaters. People who are overweight are called slobs and pigs, poor people are called dirtbags and those who may be religious or spiritual are called nut jobs. The list goes on and on of terrible things that people say about others. The insults are so blatant, it seems no one has any filter anymore. I would ask the question, what the hell is wrong with the human race? Is this what many of us have been reduced to? We hate and criticized so badly. How do such people even have normal relationships in their lives? Is it any Wonder that relationships and friendships are not lasting anymore. Is it any Wonder that love is so conditional in our world in the modern Age. We need to change this dynamic and our societies, and if we do these kind of things ourselves, we should truly be ashamed of our actions. No good will come of such hatred, distain and overly inflated egos.

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      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...