Tuesday, August 22, 2017


    Many spiritual paths have a belief in a rapture like event. Some call it the ascension, others refer to it as the evacuation. Some believe that at a certain point in our world's history, the righteous will be taken bodily into a higher/heavenly dimension. Others believe that the body will be left behind, and only the soul will ascend. The Bible always paints the picture that before judgment and tribulation come, the righteous are taken from the land. The Islamic belief system tells of a time before the end when God will send a gentle wind that will carry the souls of the righteous into paradise. Those who subscribe to the new age philosophy believe that there will be a final cataclysm upon the earth. But before that cataclysm manifests, beings of light will take the kind and loving souls into a more perfect dimension of being.

    So I ask you, what if all these people and holy books are right? What if there is a time of great tribulation and calamity coming upon the earth, and before it happens, millions of people will be removed from its influence. Wouldn't you want to be among those people? Wouldn't you rather be safe than sorry? Would you like to be prepared for such an event if it does occur? The ticket to such a heavenly ride is not that expensive or out of reach for any of us. All of these belief systems tell us that the way to avoid the great cataclysm and be taken to the higher dimensions, is simply to love. I would go a step further and say to believe in God and love. Because God is love and we love more perfectly when we are connected to him in our hearts. Being kind to others, being peaceable, caring and humble. These are not such bad traits for any of us to have. If they could possibly save us from a time of great tribulation upon the earth, maybe we should all think about cultivating these traits into our lives and personalities. After all, if we all did this, it would make our world a better place to live in as well. And maybe, just maybe we could avoid that cataclysm altogether.


Monday, August 21, 2017


    I posted this article on social media yesterday, and I wanted to share on the blog today. The words of this article are true for all of us, no matter what country we live in, no matter what kind of political view we hold. The words in this article are true for the United States and true for most of the world today. Sadly, our governments are not for the people, they are for themselves.


    I have noticed that many of you are deeply involved in the political happenings of our country in the United States. The Democrats rally against the Republicans, and the Republicans rally against the Democrats. Some are for the tearing down of the monuments in the south, while others are vehemently against it. Racism, division and hatred run rampant. Murder and violence is the headline of the day...

     But have any of you considered that none of these political parties are on your side? I am certainly not for racism or slavery, but those monuments stood for many years in the south. Who was it that first told the masses that they were offensive? Why, after all this time, are they suddenly the center of so much attention and negative rallying? Who spoke the word that got so many people clamoring in the streets, fighting one another and causing injury and death? Who spoke the word and got everyone to choose sides on social media? And furthermore, why are Democrats and Republicans at each other's throats as if this were the new crusades, only this time we hate, murder and butcher those who hold a different political view than ours.

    Are any of you even aware that our own government, the government whom you're so passionate about has plans to a erode our borders, nullify our sovereignty and absorb the United States, as well as every other nation into a global conglomerate? Did you know that part of the process in breaking down our nation is to divide the people, cause national unrest, play on racism, and cause massive rioting in the streets? Did you know, that once they push the right button that gets everyone up in arms, they will declare martial law or turn the United States into a police state? Oh, it's all out there in writing, most people just don't know it exists and they think it's a conspiracy theory because they're too lazy or complacent to research what some of the people in our own government has said, and are saying... and some of the horrendous quotes and agandas that are coming out of the United Nations. I would also like to make mention, as far as tearing down all of these monuments; did you know that part of the process of dissolving a nation is to eradicate its history? Look at all the historical sites that are being destroyed. We can even look to our school systems and see how many do not want to teach history anymore, or at least not teach it in the proper way, so it's not, "offensive," to anybody. So, you don't think this global agenda is coming into play? Think again.

    So every time someone takes to the streets in violent protest, harms or kills another human being, or goes on some insane political rant about how stupid everybody else's because they don't belong to a particular political party, maybe we should think how stupid we are for doing such things. Like sheep to the slaughter many run at the beckon call of their political gods. If the media trumpets that something is offensive, then all of a sudden it's offensive. If the media calls evil good and good evil, then suddenly everyone believes it because some political figure has said so. And of course, we have to face the fact about how all of these political power players get their messages of destruction and brainwashing mantras out to the public. It's through the media.

    And if you're simple minded enough to think that this global agenda is a good thing, maybe you should think again. The Bible speaks of a time when the world will be as one, and the nations will be ruled by one evil man or perhaps a group of evil men who install a very evil political system. Darkness will spread across the earth during this time because of that system. And if you rebel against that system, or try to be independent of it and not a clone of everyone else in it, you will be executed. Sound familiar? We're almost there already aren't we? Let's talk about Iceland's new medical breakthrough to eradicate down syndrome, which is to abort any baby they feel will be born with this disability. Some applaud this, others not so much. But it will grow in popularity over time. It will spread to other nations and people will be brainwashed into thinking it is a wonderful thing to do. But believe me when I say, it will soon spread to the elderly, the infirm. Anyone who is not "productive" in the new society, will be euthanized for, "the greater good." Like I said, We're getting very close to that system of darkness already. Still think these political puppet masters are on your side ? Do you still think they're gonna make peace in our world and give you a free living wage, free college and free everything else? Maybe under that system some of those things will appear to be free, but there'll always be a very high price to pay somewhere along the line.

    We live in a day and age where God is referred to as the Santa Claus in the sky. People think there is no science or philosophy to back up the probable existence of a higher intelligence. But they are wrong. As stated before, they're just too lazy or indifferent to do the research for themselves. And they believe what the many voices in the New World tell them. But those voices are lying to them and leading them down a path of deception and illusion.

    So where does your true allegiance stand? Are you for man and his politics, which will never achieve true global peace or prosperity? Or are you for something higher, something that will make a difference in the end. Darkness is coming folks, it's all around us right now. My advice, get right with the light, get right with God. Because we never know when the final moment will open up before us. It may be tomorrow, it may be a thousand years from now. But right now, the world is in a real mess. If you're putting all your hopes in the basket of mortal men and their greedy, dishonest political systems. Then you'll be in for a world of hurt. Because they are not your savior, and they never will be. So stop jumping through hoops for them, stop hating one another for them, and stop killing one another for them. These people are laughing at you as you play right into their hands and follow them to your own doom and enslavement like rats following the Pied Piper. Stand for love, stand with God and you will never go wrong.

Thursday, August 17, 2017


    Rest in the Divine presence, and know that someone always has your back, no matter what challenges you may be facing in this world.

Mastedon: It is done, music video

Wednesday, August 16, 2017


    The problem is, we think we are Democrat or Republican, white or black, rich or poor, male or female, educated or uneducated... But first and foremost, we are children of God/spiritual beings. Secondly, we are all human beings. We are all brothers and sisters, we are all in this thing called life together. There are not some people who were born from a different source. There are not some people who are better than others or deserve more than the next person. There is no group of people who are better than every other group. Once we realize these things, and get away from all of the distractions in this world, we will arrive at a place where true peace and unity on earth can begin.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017


    We are living in trying times upon the earth. The threat of war hangs imminent in the air, hatred and terrorism run rampant. Most of the world's governments seem to be run by madmen, or greedy individuals who lack any moral compass. The problems are many, so let us see what advice the angels offer through a channeled message this morning.

" It is true that the dark energies are spreading over the earth. Many in your world say that these are the last days. You must remember, what you call the last day or the final hour is hastened or delayed by the actions of mankind. At the moment, many are drawing in the negative vibrations and few there are who repel these forces. The direction your world takes from here is the choice of the many. It is not our job to influence mankind or to make them make the right decisions. On the surface, this may sound like a bleak statement; but just the opposite is true. Where the many can influence societies and nations with their energy, so you can affect your individual life by the choices you make. You can choose peace, faith and courage. You can choose to see the bigger picture and the higher forces at work in the universe. You can choose God. Always know that the storms will come, but there is divine protection and preservation from it all for those who seek it. Take not refuge in your possessions, your money or your material belongings. Take not refuge in the wisdom of man... Trust in the one who is greater than all of these, and all will be well with your soul."

Monday, August 14, 2017


    I would like to thank all of you who continue to read the blog in my prolonged absences... The reason for those absences is generally for me to live life in real time. I am always on the quest for deeper, spiritual understanding and ways in which I might bring what I learn to others. I am, in all honesty, not a big social media buff; so it is all too easy to just let that aspect of life fade into the background while more important matters are being tended to.

    All that being said above, I have decided to follow my ultimate bliss and work more closely with the angels, this is something that I have always done, but kind of shied away from on the internet, do to the copious amounts of new age fraudsters online: not to say that they're all fraudsters, there are some awesome folks out there but I've seen some pretty horrific things over the last year coming from some of the so called Angel readers.... but none the less, I digress...

    From here on out, I will be offering and doing more Angel Card readings, Angel Tarot, Angel Channel sessions and doing some spiritual based ASMR videos... Some interesting things ahead, I hope you'll stay tuned.



      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...