Tuesday, August 22, 2017


    Many spiritual paths have a belief in a rapture like event. Some call it the ascension, others refer to it as the evacuation. Some believe that at a certain point in our world's history, the righteous will be taken bodily into a higher/heavenly dimension. Others believe that the body will be left behind, and only the soul will ascend. The Bible always paints the picture that before judgment and tribulation come, the righteous are taken from the land. The Islamic belief system tells of a time before the end when God will send a gentle wind that will carry the souls of the righteous into paradise. Those who subscribe to the new age philosophy believe that there will be a final cataclysm upon the earth. But before that cataclysm manifests, beings of light will take the kind and loving souls into a more perfect dimension of being.

    So I ask you, what if all these people and holy books are right? What if there is a time of great tribulation and calamity coming upon the earth, and before it happens, millions of people will be removed from its influence. Wouldn't you want to be among those people? Wouldn't you rather be safe than sorry? Would you like to be prepared for such an event if it does occur? The ticket to such a heavenly ride is not that expensive or out of reach for any of us. All of these belief systems tell us that the way to avoid the great cataclysm and be taken to the higher dimensions, is simply to love. I would go a step further and say to believe in God and love. Because God is love and we love more perfectly when we are connected to him in our hearts. Being kind to others, being peaceable, caring and humble. These are not such bad traits for any of us to have. If they could possibly save us from a time of great tribulation upon the earth, maybe we should all think about cultivating these traits into our lives and personalities. After all, if we all did this, it would make our world a better place to live in as well. And maybe, just maybe we could avoid that cataclysm altogether.


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