Monday, August 14, 2017


    I would like to thank all of you who continue to read the blog in my prolonged absences... The reason for those absences is generally for me to live life in real time. I am always on the quest for deeper, spiritual understanding and ways in which I might bring what I learn to others. I am, in all honesty, not a big social media buff; so it is all too easy to just let that aspect of life fade into the background while more important matters are being tended to.

    All that being said above, I have decided to follow my ultimate bliss and work more closely with the angels, this is something that I have always done, but kind of shied away from on the internet, do to the copious amounts of new age fraudsters online: not to say that they're all fraudsters, there are some awesome folks out there but I've seen some pretty horrific things over the last year coming from some of the so called Angel readers.... but none the less, I digress...

    From here on out, I will be offering and doing more Angel Card readings, Angel Tarot, Angel Channel sessions and doing some spiritual based ASMR videos... Some interesting things ahead, I hope you'll stay tuned.


1 comment:


      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...