Tuesday, August 15, 2017


    We are living in trying times upon the earth. The threat of war hangs imminent in the air, hatred and terrorism run rampant. Most of the world's governments seem to be run by madmen, or greedy individuals who lack any moral compass. The problems are many, so let us see what advice the angels offer through a channeled message this morning.

" It is true that the dark energies are spreading over the earth. Many in your world say that these are the last days. You must remember, what you call the last day or the final hour is hastened or delayed by the actions of mankind. At the moment, many are drawing in the negative vibrations and few there are who repel these forces. The direction your world takes from here is the choice of the many. It is not our job to influence mankind or to make them make the right decisions. On the surface, this may sound like a bleak statement; but just the opposite is true. Where the many can influence societies and nations with their energy, so you can affect your individual life by the choices you make. You can choose peace, faith and courage. You can choose to see the bigger picture and the higher forces at work in the universe. You can choose God. Always know that the storms will come, but there is divine protection and preservation from it all for those who seek it. Take not refuge in your possessions, your money or your material belongings. Take not refuge in the wisdom of man... Trust in the one who is greater than all of these, and all will be well with your soul."

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      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...