Monday, November 25, 2024



     Are all extraterrestrials demonic entities? Some individuals would answer that question with the resounding yes! Yet others, have a more positive and open minded view about what these strange, unearthly beings truly are. In this episode we will examine some different traits of the UFO phenomenon and then try to draw an educated and logical conclusion as to whether these beings are actually friend or foe!


Wednesday, November 20, 2024


     It would do well for many religious people, Christians and self-proclaimed, Evangelical political leaders to remember these words. For if we do not love our brothers and sisters as we love ourselves, then the love of God is not in us!

Tuesday, November 19, 2024


    Artificial intelligence, is it technology that will serve the human race well or will it lead us down a rabbit hole of detachment, non-reality and self-indulgence into our lowest base desires? In this podcast I will be talking about a month-long experiment I have done with AI and what my findings have been. Some of these topics are very strange, unsettling and even unusually creepy.


Friday, November 15, 2024


     No matter what may be going on in the exterior world, if you are grounded in the inner world and your spiritual foundation is strong; then the winds may blow and the rains may come but nothing will bring your house to ruin...

Tuesday, November 12, 2024



This angel card meditation is done with Guardian Angels, messages for love and peace by Vanessa Lampert. I have always found this to be a simple yet inspiring deck: 

     And the card that comes up today tells us to learn to trust the voices of our angels and listen to their wisdom and guidance. The voices of our heavenly helpers often come to us in intuitions, inner guidance and even synchronicities in our lives. These voices are unique because they are often separate from the things of this world. The angels always bring us comfort, wisdom, hope and a sense of compassion and love for all. They never guide us to attack or harm another person in any way, even if that harm is done on the emotional level. Angel wisdom and guidance is always uplifting and raises our consciousness to a higher level. It's as if we are looking down upon the everyday affairs of life on Earth and seeing them from a more peaceful, loving and spiritual perspective. When we learn to listen and trust the voices and guidance of our guardian angels, life will become much more at ease, much more peaceful and you will find that you have inner strength, stability and serenity even in the face of chaos. 

     But make no mistake, when the angelic hosts begin to guide us in our lives, they will ask us to step outside of ourselves and lay aside those things that anchor us to the earthly energies and the mindset of the masses. And this can surely be an uncomfortable proposition as you are asked to put your hand to the plow and not look back. The kingdom of the heavens is spiritual, and therefore the angels will begin to guide you to look inward and upward rather than outward as you seek to have all of your intellectual, emotional and spiritual needs met by the world of materiality and its perishable goods and ever-changing ideologies. But once we take courage and follow the leadings of the heavenly hosts, we will find that life transforms in beautiful ways and leads us into unexpected horizons!

Monday, November 11, 2024



This may be a bit of a long read, but I hope those who come across it will read to the end and ponder this all important message.

I awoke this morning with sweet memories of the past, I'm not sure what triggered those memories but they played out across the screen of my mind as I readied myself for the day. Memories of the early 1990s, when I worked a simple retail job in the ShopRite supermarket on Dolson Avenue, in Middletown New York. I was the maintenance man and it was my job to make sure the store was clean and in basic working order for the customers.

I remember all of us who worked there, coworkers and friends who laughed, joked and shared stories during our work hours together. I remember the community that shopped there, black, white, Hispanic, Jewish and a host of other nationalities. During the holiday time people shared how they spent this special time of year whether they celebrated Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or some other dearly held tradition that meant something to them. No one criticized, no one put anyone else down or criticized their tradition. We were a community and we acted like it.

I remember helping some of the elderly customers, (and admittedly some of the cute and friendly female customers, 😁) out to their cars with their brimming carts of groceries. We all knew each other and we were always happy to see a familiar face even if that familiar face just stopped into the store once a week for their weekly grocery shopping. It was a different world. The amount of warm wishes, prayers for the community and secretly held aspirations for the new year that was inevitably coming were many in the old familiar aisles of the supermarket. It didn't matter whether we were Christian, Muslim, Jewish or atheist. It didn't matter if we were Democrat or Republican. It didn't matter if we had a different skin color or talked with a thick accent. We were all people who seemed to meet one another on a common ground. No one asked questions and no one persecuted anyone else. It was a time probably taken for granted by most of us and almost seems unreal in the world we live in today.

For now, many of us hate our neighbors and want to do them harm if they are from a different culture or have a different skin tone. We mock and spew words of venom towards those who celebrate traditions that are different from ours. We've divided ourselves into black, white, yellow, red and dark.We've divided ourselves into groups that are Christian and non-Christian. We've divided ourselves into left and right, staunch Republican or Democrat. We see people hating and hurting one another because of political differences. People on social media wishing death and execution on those who do not agree with them religiously or politically. Even some of the people I knew back in those simpler days, have taken on this darkness, this vitriol and this spirit of hatred and violence. Friends have abandoned one another and families have been split apart over these heinous divisions. Yet once upon a time, family and friendships meant everything even if our family and friends were not perfect. It makes me wonder, is this who we always were or is it something we have become because somehow we have all been put under some kind of hypnotic spell that robbed us of our humanity and common decency? Were we just waiting for the opportunity to hate our neighbors and become so shallow of thought and emotion that we could just walk away from our families and friends as if they were nothing or nobody?

Honestly, I do not believe this is who we always were, at least not most of us. I think we are like the frog in boiling water who doesn't realize he's boiling until it's too late. We have let certain leaders, both religious and political run away with our minds and our values. And there's not one man or one political group that is going to get all of that back for us. We, as individuals have to make the decision to be better. Organized religion will not do it for us because most religious leaders are spewing their messages from the pulpit yet living like the worst of us behind closed doors. Again, it is we as individuals who have to make the decision to be better. There is no one, no party or organization that is going to hand us back our humanity and our sense of community. That is something we do on our own. And we are either those people who love our neighbors as ourselves or we are not. Since when did we ever let the people who are charlatans, liars and selfish opportunists tell us who to be and who to hate? Since when did we check our minds at the door and go with whatever whims these divisive personalities cast into our society? I remember in those simpler days, when no one fully trusted the big religious leaders or politicians. We all had that knowing smile and understood that those people were not really for us, they were for themselves. But now we follow those same dishonest leaders like pied pipers, leading us like rats to drown in the depths of the ocean. Is this who we really want to be, is this who we want to become and how we want to be remembered? Whatever happened to us?

Friday, November 8, 2024



     In a world where there are so many external forces that can disturb our inner peace, many people are looking for something that will bring them a lasting sense of inner tranquility, strength and balance. But it seems no matter what we try, the results are never as promised or lasting. In this episode of Angels and Starseeds, we will talk about the practice of transcendental meditation. We'll take a look at what it is, how to practice it and what some of the long-term results might be in your life. In this podcast, I want to introduce you to a spiritual tool that could revolutionize your life and finally bring you the inner calm, peace and centeredness you have been seeking!

Wednesday, November 6, 2024



     It happens to all of us, we are hurt or betrayed by someone close to us. But then, we start the process of trying to figure out why this hurt or betrayal happened. And oftentimes, we start blaming ourselves for what the other person did. It then becomes a vicious cycle of self-blame, feeling unworthy, judging ourselves harshly and telling ourselves how stupid and foolish we were to have soured such a precious friend or loved one against us. But the truth of the matter is, in many instances, we are not to blame for what the other person did. In this podcast we will talk about some of the main reasons why people often reject, abandon or betray those close to them who are caregivers, spiritual people or light workers. Some of the answers may be surprising, but at the end of the day, we must begin to realize the truth about the situation that has caused us so much self-doubt and pain. It's time to stop judging ourselves for the bad actions of others!

Tuesday, November 5, 2024


     Perhaps most of the problems in our world stem from being told who we have to be. From the moment we exit the birth canal, we begin a training regiment that tells us how to behave and conform to the world, society and culture around us. And although this training has some valuable components, it also suppresses the personal creativity of our soul. If we are artistic, spiritual, or think outside the box in any way, we are often labeled as strange, weird or outcasts. I think this is why the United States, and much of the world right now, is in such upheaval. Because people are pushing the boundaries, searching for personal meaning but not quite knowing where to find it.... yet. But if we would make the simple practices of spirituality, self-acceptance and unconditional acceptance of others the center working foundation of our lives; we may very quickly find the light we are looking for, and begin to be a society and a world that is more loving and free to be and express the beauty of our individuality.

Saturday, November 2, 2024


      On the eve of Halloween, I took a stroll through one of the local cemeteries and recorded a podcast on the subject of, the fear of death. When you really think about it, the fear of death touches so many different aspects of our lives, and many times, we don't even realize it. The fear of death can translate into the fear of illness and disease, change or loss in our lives. Death is a subject we often avoid, but like the ancients, maybe it is something we should think about more often, but in a different context than most of us do here in the Western world. If we can make peace with the idea of death and change, we might be surprised how much more peaceful and fulfilling our lives will become. I hope that this little podcast walk and talk gives you some food for thought; and perhaps helps you to overcome the fear of death and change in your own personal life. 



      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...