Tuesday, November 5, 2024


     Perhaps most of the problems in our world stem from being told who we have to be. From the moment we exit the birth canal, we begin a training regiment that tells us how to behave and conform to the world, society and culture around us. And although this training has some valuable components, it also suppresses the personal creativity of our soul. If we are artistic, spiritual, or think outside the box in any way, we are often labeled as strange, weird or outcasts. I think this is why the United States, and much of the world right now, is in such upheaval. Because people are pushing the boundaries, searching for personal meaning but not quite knowing where to find it.... yet. But if we would make the simple practices of spirituality, self-acceptance and unconditional acceptance of others the center working foundation of our lives; we may very quickly find the light we are looking for, and begin to be a society and a world that is more loving and free to be and express the beauty of our individuality.

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      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...