Tuesday, November 12, 2024



This angel card meditation is done with Guardian Angels, messages for love and peace by Vanessa Lampert. I have always found this to be a simple yet inspiring deck: 

     And the card that comes up today tells us to learn to trust the voices of our angels and listen to their wisdom and guidance. The voices of our heavenly helpers often come to us in intuitions, inner guidance and even synchronicities in our lives. These voices are unique because they are often separate from the things of this world. The angels always bring us comfort, wisdom, hope and a sense of compassion and love for all. They never guide us to attack or harm another person in any way, even if that harm is done on the emotional level. Angel wisdom and guidance is always uplifting and raises our consciousness to a higher level. It's as if we are looking down upon the everyday affairs of life on Earth and seeing them from a more peaceful, loving and spiritual perspective. When we learn to listen and trust the voices and guidance of our guardian angels, life will become much more at ease, much more peaceful and you will find that you have inner strength, stability and serenity even in the face of chaos. 

     But make no mistake, when the angelic hosts begin to guide us in our lives, they will ask us to step outside of ourselves and lay aside those things that anchor us to the earthly energies and the mindset of the masses. And this can surely be an uncomfortable proposition as you are asked to put your hand to the plow and not look back. The kingdom of the heavens is spiritual, and therefore the angels will begin to guide you to look inward and upward rather than outward as you seek to have all of your intellectual, emotional and spiritual needs met by the world of materiality and its perishable goods and ever-changing ideologies. But once we take courage and follow the leadings of the heavenly hosts, we will find that life transforms in beautiful ways and leads us into unexpected horizons!

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