Wednesday, October 30, 2024



     Using the Halloween tarot, I pulled a card with the intention for all of us; and what we need to focus on this Halloween. The card that came up was the four of bats. The four of bats is related to the four of swords in the original tarot. This card speaks of taking a time out, time to rest, meditate and contemplate. The bats represent the anxieties, stresses and worries we need to release and let go of in our lives. These things steal our joy and our peace, and we are not able to function on the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual levels properly when we are filled with negative or heightened emotions that keep us on edge.

     The Black cat resting atop the figure represents our guardian angels and spiritual guides. They wait patiently to give us guidance in our lives, if we will only set aside our own ego, our own will, our own fears and worries and allow them to speak to our hearts and our intuition. This is why it is important to take the time out, to calm the mind, to sit and listen. Invite spirit to speak and show you what it is you're missing or not seeing properly in your life right now.

     The Moon peering through the stained glass window represents God, the Divine. The stars around the moon represent the angels, the divine messengers who are always there to bring us love and light for the journey ahead. But divine light cannot shine upon our path when we eclipse the Divine with our own will; the will to stay in negative energies, emotions and circumstances. The Country, the world, is in great upheaval right now. Are we joining in on this upheaval or are we seeking a higher way? This Halloween, it is time to take the meditative break and focus on higher things. What really matters to you and what really matters in life? Is it the things of the mundane, material world or is it the higher things of the heavenly realms? Only each and every one of us can answer that question for ourselves. But rest assured, God and the angels of light are always waiting to take us to new horizons and a higher way of living. The choice is ours as we enter October 31st, that ancient day where it is said that the spirits draw closer to the Earth and walk among us. Those spirits need not only be ghosts and ancestors but perhaps they will be guiding angels as well.  Happy Halloween! 🎃

Tuesday, October 29, 2024


    In the Book of Revelation there is a chapter about the harlot that rides the beast. This was said to be about the pagan religions that supported Rome. In a visionary work like this there are other interpretations as well. I find that it is symbol of what happens whenever a religion allies itself with a government. A harlot was not a street walker. Harlots were wealthy, lived in the finest homes and wore the best clothing and jewelry. Kings went to harlots. They achieved this by being fantastically seductive. So we are talking about something that can look like a very good idea to people. The harlot is drunk with the blood of saints, which she has in a cup in her hand. The ten horns of the beast destroy her. To me this is a good picture of what happens when religion and government are joined. The religion ends up supporting evil that the government does. It becomes drunk with power and used like a whore. The government destroys its spirit. Is there a better way for spiritual people to to approach government? The example of Martin Luther King is a good one. His movement peacefully marched for a cause without enmeshing itself in government. Or perhaps the spiritual people should gather in the world’s capitols by the thousands and sit in contemplative prayer. Maybe the world can be brought closer to God’s silence.


Sunday, October 27, 2024


      We often judge ourselves by how others treat us; even when someone else's actions come from a place of ignorance, selfishness, meanness, usery or narcissism. Sensitive and spiritual people usually take the emotional brunt of other people's actions upon themselves in a very self critical way. They will continuously sit around wondering what they did wrong, when the fact is, they didn't do anything. It's time to take a deep breath and give yourself permission to realize that every now and then in life, it's them and not you! Stop judging and devaluing yourself because of the bad actions of other people.

Friday, October 25, 2024



     The Urantia Book is a mysterious text, published in 1955 and said to have been authored by celestial beings. It's origins are mysterious, but there's no denying that it's contents can be eye-opening and even life-changing to the reader. But for many, The Urantia Book is a thing to be avoided because of the gross information they have encountered across the internet regarding the book, it's contents and origins. In this podcast, I will do my best to dispel some of these internet myths and give the listener more information on how to research the book for themselves and then draw their own conclusions as to whether or not it is something worth investigating in their own spiritual journey. It is high time that someone answered the many religious skeptics and ardent critics of this fascinating book, and set the record straight. The Truth is out there, if you wish to discover it!

Wednesday, October 23, 2024


 When did our religions start measuring spiritual progress and greatness by how financially successful a person is; and start putting our faith in corrupt, politicians and the idea that might make right?

It's time to rethink what spiritual truth really is?

Tuesday, October 22, 2024


      No matter how lonely life may become or how many challenges you have to face by yourself with no one to give you encouragement; always remember, that there is an angel by your side. Those who think such beings are just myths or kids stuff, are truly missing out on a wonderful, mystical source of inspiration and comfort in their lives. If we would but close our eyes, and let ourselves relax into a light meditative state, and then just ask for help, clarification and direction; We would be surprised at the intuitions, signs and synchronicities that would soon come into our lives as a result. Our unseen friends and companions, the angels, are always standing near. We need only to turn and focus our attention on their presence, and speak to them in those quiet moments of meditative contemplation, and seeming miracles will begin to happen. 

Monday, October 21, 2024



     If we are a spiritual person at all, or have an interest in things like near-death experiences; it doesn't take long before we come across the many individuals on the internet, claiming they have either seen or had a vision of hell. These stories range from the horrific, the disturbing and many times problematic. In this podcast we will be talking about the many visions of hell purported on the internet and in religious circles. We will ask some critical questions about these visions of the underworld and ask ourselves the question, are all of these glimpses of hell real or just fearful stories that start to unravel when put under the light of logic. The answer to this question is enormously important to your own personal peace and spiritual growth!


Sunday, October 20, 2024



In this podcast, we will be discussing the fast growing trend of toxic positivity in our society. We will be asking the questions:

*Is it okay to just ignore our negative feelings and tell ourselves that we always have to be positive?

*Is it wise to be around people who will verbally berate us, swear at us and tell us we are no good if we don't live up to a certain criteria?

*Why are so many people subjecting themselves to toxic positivity and actually paying high amounts of money for life coaches, fitness trainers and financial advisors to verbally abuse them, throw fits of rage and tell them they are garbage? And what has so many people falling into this false sense of empowerment?

This is a timely podcast that needs to be heard in these growing times of toxic positivity, false alpha male egos and people searching for meaning and strength in all the wrong places.

Friday, October 18, 2024


 Our religious institutions have failed many over the years. There has been a mass exodus from many churches over the last several decades. Those who have exited the religious institutions have thrown themselves into every religious trend that has been invented by man since their institutions have imploded. Many of these trends have taken people down a very dark and even deceptive path. We only need observe for a moment to see that spirituality and religion is no longer peaceful and loving. It is divisive, more judgmental than perhaps it has ever been and even on the verge of doing violence to others who disagree with them. I would say, our religious understanding needs a true and spiritual uplift in order to heal our world and ushers into the age of light and life..

Thursday, October 17, 2024


 I can add no enhancing, commentary to this thought that came to me in meditation this morning. It speaks, perfectly, for itself!

Wednesday, October 16, 2024


     Since many of our religious and government institutions have failed us over the years, a lot of people are seeking happiness and peace in exterior things.

     But we must remember, the religious and government institutions that failed us in the past were things that were exterior to ourselves. True happiness and peace of mind can only be found within, it can never be obtained through something or someone outside of your own mind and soul.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024



In this podcast we will discuss living with fibromyalgia and other chronic and debilitating conditions. We will touch on some of the things that make our condition worse and make us feel badly about ourselves such as: negative self-talk, lamenting the past and thinking that God or the Universe is punishing us for something that we did. We will also discuss ways in which we can bring more joy and meaning into our lives even if we're housebound or have trouble getting out into the world. This podcast was recorded in hopes that it will be a spiritual uplift to someone out there who is feeling isolated and alone!


Monday, October 14, 2024



     Are their souls from other galaxies and solar systems that sometimes incarnate upon the earth? Do these souls come with a higher purpose to uplift humanity in some way? According to some schools of thought, this cosmic philosophy is absolutely true and those interstellar souls are known as starseeds. In this podcast we will explore the topic of starseeds and if there might be any validity to this philosophy from beyond the Stars!


Sunday, October 13, 2024


 It's time to stop promoting and following those individuals who are dishonest and speak falsities. It is time to stop making excuses for and turning a blind eye to certain people when the most blatant falsehoods and disgusting words drop from their lips...

It is time to stop saying that such individuals possess good character when we know full well, they do not!


      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...