Wednesday, October 30, 2024



     Using the Halloween tarot, I pulled a card with the intention for all of us; and what we need to focus on this Halloween. The card that came up was the four of bats. The four of bats is related to the four of swords in the original tarot. This card speaks of taking a time out, time to rest, meditate and contemplate. The bats represent the anxieties, stresses and worries we need to release and let go of in our lives. These things steal our joy and our peace, and we are not able to function on the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual levels properly when we are filled with negative or heightened emotions that keep us on edge.

     The Black cat resting atop the figure represents our guardian angels and spiritual guides. They wait patiently to give us guidance in our lives, if we will only set aside our own ego, our own will, our own fears and worries and allow them to speak to our hearts and our intuition. This is why it is important to take the time out, to calm the mind, to sit and listen. Invite spirit to speak and show you what it is you're missing or not seeing properly in your life right now.

     The Moon peering through the stained glass window represents God, the Divine. The stars around the moon represent the angels, the divine messengers who are always there to bring us love and light for the journey ahead. But divine light cannot shine upon our path when we eclipse the Divine with our own will; the will to stay in negative energies, emotions and circumstances. The Country, the world, is in great upheaval right now. Are we joining in on this upheaval or are we seeking a higher way? This Halloween, it is time to take the meditative break and focus on higher things. What really matters to you and what really matters in life? Is it the things of the mundane, material world or is it the higher things of the heavenly realms? Only each and every one of us can answer that question for ourselves. But rest assured, God and the angels of light are always waiting to take us to new horizons and a higher way of living. The choice is ours as we enter October 31st, that ancient day where it is said that the spirits draw closer to the Earth and walk among us. Those spirits need not only be ghosts and ancestors but perhaps they will be guiding angels as well.  Happy Halloween! 🎃

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