Sunday, November 22, 2020


    Remember when the holiday season meant something to people? There was nothing better then a crisp and frosty night, with a Rankin/Bass Christmas special playing on the old television set. Remember when the lights on a Christmas tree gave people that warm and magical feeling, that let us know that something special was in the air? Remember when people went Christmas shopping, and all of the stores were decorated so brightly for the holidays. And Christmas carols played over every PA system? And it brought such joy to the heart to find that perfect gift for a loved one.

   What is Christmas to us today, amidst all of the political bickering, outlandish conspiracy theories and brother turning against brother. Perhaps we should all look at of our windows this holiday season, and see if the Christmas spirit is truly present in our world. Or has it fled because of the bitterness in our hearts?

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      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...