Tuesday, November 24, 2020



   Once we experience the presence of Divine love in our lives, everything else will change. Experiencing Divine love is just not having a belief, or a moment of feeling good about our faith. It is feeling, really knowing and being touched by a presence that goes beyond human words to explain. Divine love is both peaceful, and euphoric. It makes you feel at one with everything and everyone on the planet. All fear, stress, prejudice and worried vanish in the presence of this all-encompassing love. It is like standing in a different world, even though your physical surroundings may look very familiar to you. Sometimes, just asking the Spirit of God to draw near, then closing our eyes and focusing, meditating on that divine presence that is everywhere and within us; is the best way to enter into that loving presence that is life-changing. Divine love: it is what the world needs most right now ❤

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