Friday, July 24, 2020


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    This is probably one of the most significant times in our recent history, where each and every one of us needs to listen closely to the inner guidance of the Divine Spirit. As the school year of 2020 swiftly approaches, there is much debacle in the United States about whether to open schools or keep them closed? And if they reopen, how might they proceed in doing so. Many working parents trust their officials to put guidelines and plans in place, to keep their children safe if and when they return back to school. And, many working families are eager to send their children back to school because they have no one to watch them during the day when they are at work.

    But in the midst of all of this, the guidelines for safely returning to school seem to change daily. Many schools do not even have a plan yet as to how they will handle children in the classroom during the pandemic. Many government officials say that it is safe to reopen schools and that schools "WILL" reopen. Yep President Donald Trump has canceled the Republican primary this year, because he said it was too dangerous for people to meet in person. And also, it has been declared that those who are making plans to reopen the local schools, and implement the new safety measures for teachers and students, must do so remotely. Because meeting in person is too dangerous. If this be the case, how can it be safe to send our children back into the classroom?

    On top of all of this, some schools are actually asking parents to sign a death waiver if they choose to send their children back to school in the 2020 school year. This waiver states that if a children becomes ill or dies from contracting coronavirus, the school will not be held responsible..

    Is it just me, or does there seem to be a total disregard for human life during this whole pandemic and no real leadership or voice of reason in the midst of all of this chaos and trouble? As stated in the beginning of this blog entry, it is high time that each and every one of us learn to listen to the guidance of the Divine Spirit within. And that guidance comes through inspiration, intuition, hunches, feelings and a host of other ways that let us know whether or not we are about to make the right or wrong decision. We all need to trust in something higher at this point in time, because earthen man is failing in his common sense and wisdom like never before... Your children are sacred, guard them well!

Listen to More on the Mind's Eye podcast by clicking on or copying and pasting the link

Thursday, July 23, 2020


    What boggles my mind, is that in the age of technology and higher education; we have turned the wearing of a simple face mask in public, during a pandemic, into a political and personal war. Even in the 1300's, plague doctors wore masks and covered their bodies when treating their patients. And, just about everyone practiced social distancing, because it is common sense to stay away from someone who has a very contagious disease. But today, we say the disease doesn't exist and wearing a small face covering is an infringement upon our rights. I suppose in the age where people go out in public with the flu and cough and sneeze out into the open air with other people standing mere inches away from them in a supermarket aisle, this is a major inconvenience. After all, how dare someone take away our right to be thoughtless, rude and unsanitary in the public square. If we don't think twice about giving other people influenza, even if they are elderly, and it could cause major complications and possibly even death. Then why should something like covid-19 be any different?

    What a world we live in, when taking the health and well-being of others into consideration is a major problem and somehow is looked down upon as being stupid and ignorant. I would hazard a guess that those who say that wearing a face covering is a useless endeavor, are those who don't even bother to cover their mouth when they cough or sneeze in public. After all, covering your mouth when you cough probably doesn't help anything either... So let's just allow the virus and germs to freely float about. It's not going to help anyone to create a barrier between you and them if your sick.. and being mindful and considerate of others is nothing but a government conspiracy.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020


    When you really think about it, it isn't any wonder that so many of us have low self-esteem and hidden phobias. We are born into a world, where sometimes our well-meaning parents scold or punish us for things we don't understand like perhaps, playing too loudly. Then we start our journey through school, where many are picked on, belittled or bullied. And sometimes, even our teachers seem to single us out for some kind of mistreatment. Then of course, there are the friends who will betray us and love interests who will leave us; and if this betrayal and abandonment is through no fault of our own, we begin to believe that we have done something wrong or that there is something wrong with us.

    Then of course, there is our religious programming. Which tells us that the world hates God and anything good that may emanate from him. We are taught that good people, saintly people are hated, persecuted and even sometimes, put to death. With all of these negative bombardments on our psyche, many of us grew up believing that the world is an ugly place, and life is pain. But nothing could be farther from the truth. These are ideas, concepts and stories that others have believed and passed on to us. And perhaps the way others treat us, is the way they themselves have been treated in abusive or hurtful relationships.

Perhaps it is time to do a little excavating into our own subconscious minds, and finding those thoughts and ideas that do not truly belong to us. And then, dispense with them and get on with the business of living life joyfully.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020


    A person will never raise their consciousness higher then the concept of God that they hold in their minds. And, sadly, it is the habit of most people to mold the Divine into their very own image. God loves what they love, and God hates what they hate. Hence, if all of someone's focus it's on nothing more then sports or politics, then there consciousness will never rise higher then these things and the ideologies that they present. When we view things in this manner, is it any wonder that the world is in the trouble that it is? Because for many, God is sitting on a throne amid the rubble and chaos of the material world that they revel in.

    We cannot say that we hate a certain group of people, therefore God hates them too. We cannot say that we support a certain political party, therefore God supports them too and hates the other. This is only making God in our own feeble and error laden image. In order to see true peace and prosperity prevail in our lives and upon the Earth, we must raise God higher and then raise our consciousness to meet him where he is. This is never a formula that can work in the reverse way; therefore bringing God down to meet us where we are in all of our foolishness and material scrambling.

Monday, July 20, 2020


    It seems in recent years, humanity has forgotten all that it has ever learned about the power and effect of our words, thoughts and actions on the environment around us. Faith has become a byword, and love is something that is reserved for those who think and act just like us. Politics have run rampant with their corruption and shallowness of thought. But rather than rally to fix the problem, people take sides and join the foolishness because they feel some sort of allegiance to a man-made political party. Morality means nothing; and it is more important to go with the crowd and be influenced by our peers than to do the right thing.

    But have any of these political policies, parties, divisions, hatred and inflammatory words changed our world for the better? Or has it made things noticeably worse? Will we ever reach a true solution to any problem if we do so by forcing our opinion on others? Now more than ever, it is important for each and every one of us to ponder what Divine and Universal love truly is. And what it means for that love to be unconditional towards us all, through us all and for us all. For if we do not have a true love and understanding of our fellow man, and have compassion and empathy for the feelings and needs of others, then there will always be an opposing side and there will never be true peace.

    Our thoughts proceed our actions, and they reverberate with an energy that travels from soul to soul and begins to fill a space with its essence. And if that essense is negative, selfish, hateful, greedy and so sociopathic that it only thinks of self and none other. We will begin to see the effect of that energy in our society and in our world. By acting the way we are, are we causing our own apocalypse? Are "things" going from bad to worse because we are going from bad to worse? The Ancients understood this truth and they recorded it in their histories, philosophies and scriptures. We would do well to get our faces away from the cell phones, our heads out of the clouds, our minds out of the political and material nonsense that is dividing us and tearing our societies apart. Because if we do not, we only have ourselves to blame for what is coming.

    A return to love, peace and respect is the only solution to these massive problems. If we think we can solve these issues by throwing money at them, electing the right official or tearing down statues in market squares, then we are sadly mistaken. For all of these actions only serve to inflame those who opposed our ideals. And the elected official who is not connected to his own soul,  will only follow a political agenda that will solve no problem but certainly create more.

    Return To Love, return to compassion, return to empathy. Keep watch over the thoughts that emanate from your mind and the words that proceed from your mouth. And if the masses around you will not follow suit, at least you can protect your own sacred space that is around you and take no part in the collective mind and the current calamities it is causing.


      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...