Thursday, July 23, 2020


    What boggles my mind, is that in the age of technology and higher education; we have turned the wearing of a simple face mask in public, during a pandemic, into a political and personal war. Even in the 1300's, plague doctors wore masks and covered their bodies when treating their patients. And, just about everyone practiced social distancing, because it is common sense to stay away from someone who has a very contagious disease. But today, we say the disease doesn't exist and wearing a small face covering is an infringement upon our rights. I suppose in the age where people go out in public with the flu and cough and sneeze out into the open air with other people standing mere inches away from them in a supermarket aisle, this is a major inconvenience. After all, how dare someone take away our right to be thoughtless, rude and unsanitary in the public square. If we don't think twice about giving other people influenza, even if they are elderly, and it could cause major complications and possibly even death. Then why should something like covid-19 be any different?

    What a world we live in, when taking the health and well-being of others into consideration is a major problem and somehow is looked down upon as being stupid and ignorant. I would hazard a guess that those who say that wearing a face covering is a useless endeavor, are those who don't even bother to cover their mouth when they cough or sneeze in public. After all, covering your mouth when you cough probably doesn't help anything either... So let's just allow the virus and germs to freely float about. It's not going to help anyone to create a barrier between you and them if your sick.. and being mindful and considerate of others is nothing but a government conspiracy.

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      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...