Tuesday, July 21, 2020



    A person will never raise their consciousness higher then the concept of God that they hold in their minds. And, sadly, it is the habit of most people to mold the Divine into their very own image. God loves what they love, and God hates what they hate. Hence, if all of someone's focus it's on nothing more then sports or politics, then there consciousness will never rise higher then these things and the ideologies that they present. When we view things in this manner, is it any wonder that the world is in the trouble that it is? Because for many, God is sitting on a throne amid the rubble and chaos of the material world that they revel in.

    We cannot say that we hate a certain group of people, therefore God hates them too. We cannot say that we support a certain political party, therefore God supports them too and hates the other. This is only making God in our own feeble and error laden image. In order to see true peace and prosperity prevail in our lives and upon the Earth, we must raise God higher and then raise our consciousness to meet him where he is. This is never a formula that can work in the reverse way; therefore bringing God down to meet us where we are in all of our foolishness and material scrambling.

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      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...