Friday, February 7, 2020


   If you live in the United States, or even outside of the country; you may be affected or even mesmerised at what is happening in our political system. Politicians are dividing the people, and also dividing among themselves. Many people are feeling the emotional burden of this melee, but even fewer are asking, is this normal?

   It all began in the early to mid-1990s, when a movement known as political correctness began to emerge in our society. Some individuals in politics began to espouse this notion that there were certain things that we should not say or do in the public eye. After all, it might offend someone. This might have been a good idea to call each and every one of us to conscience. But it soon grew into a seething monster that censored every aspect of culture and life. The lines begin to be drawn, and soon everyone was critical and hateful of one another's differences.

   Now, in 2020, the aftermath of this movement has grown into something that is literally frightening. We must ask, what kind of world are we living in when citizens and politicians alike, wish death on individuals whom a President supports or upholds? And then, even more hatred ensues towards those who voiced their hatred first. When does all of this stop, and what will it do to our world if this is not corrected soon?

   Some individuals believe that our politicians are just completely insane. Some believe this is a puppet show, staged to divide the people for some ultimate agenda. But whatever the case may be, I believe it is high time that we stop looking to other human beings to lead us in the right direction. Naturally, we need social order and political leaders. But we do not need to follow their lead or sit back idly while they behave in ways that are absolutely unimaginable. Is it too much for any of us to behave with a little compassion and integrity? And is it too incomprehensible to think that we might demand the same from our leaders?

   We need to stop being so impressionable and always looking to follow the lead of someone else. We need to be the impression, or as Gandhi said, be the change we want to see in the world. I do believe this country, this world, needs to get back to the way of the heart. Listening within to that still Small voice that guides us in the way of kindness, love and true compassion for our fellow human beings. Then, and only then we might be able to stop this runaway train that is sending us all headlong in the direction of destruction.

(Below is a link to perhaps, one of the most important podcasts I have ever recorded. If the subject matter in this blog is concerning to you, please listen and share. This message is so important for all of us to consider.)

Podcast - Donald Trump's State of the Union and our state of mind:

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