Monday, February 10, 2020


   There is a growing number of people in the world today, who feel that we are on the brink of something terrible happening. It seems everywhere you turn, people are saying that something doesn't feel right about the energy of our planet. Politicians and government leaders seem to have gone insane. So many people in society are hateful, critical and selfish. Is there something monumental over the horizon for the human race?

   The Bible speaks of a day when evil will spread upon the Earth. And people will become more and more darkened in their thoughts, hearts and actions. The Quran speaks of an almost cyclical cataclysm that has happened since the inception of man. Empires and civilizations rise, then they divide, fight, become evil, distant from God and begin to kill one another. And then, a disaster strikes and sweeps them all  away, save for a few who are the righteous. The Buddhist teach that our actions and state of mind affect the natural environment around us. But they also teach, that if we change our way of living and our state of mind, we can change the outcome that may be poised and ready to befall us all.

   Are these great spiritual faiths and writings, correct? Are we teetering on the edge of a massive cataclysm that could take us into what many call the day of judgement? Some say yes, but even if they are wrong, I certainly think this is a day and age when we need to get right with our creator, and do a serious inventory on our personal morals and values. Both the Bible and the Quran tell us that when the final day arrives, it will come quickly and unexpectedly. How many of us would be ready if it happened tomorrow?

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      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...