Wednesday, October 29, 2014


     Today's card comes from the Halloween Oracle, and is The Lamp:

     The Lamp asks you to remember where you came from and where you are going. To the ancient Pagans, Samhain or Halloween, was the start of the new year. It was a time to reflect on the year that was behind them and also the year that was ahead of them. They often communed with spirits and employed divination to forecast what the new year might hold in store for them. In the tradition of the ancients, this card asks you to reevaluate your life and your goals. Think about where you have been, where you have come from and where it is that you are travelling to on your path of life. It is time to drop those things that no longer serve you or weigh you down. It is a time for a fresh start, and to begin to plan your harvest for the coming year. What kind of seeds will you plant in the soil of your life? What things from the past will you carry with you on the journey ahead? And what things need to be buried in the graveyard of the past?

     The Lamp not only asks us to remember where we have been and where we are going. But it also asks us to remember where we came from in Spirit. All Hallow's Eve is the perfect time to commune with your higher power and the spirits of your ancestors. These spiritual beings can give you guidance for your life, and also help you to plan for the seasons ahead. Divination is an age old practice that has brought illumination to the minds of many. The Lamp will always give light for your path if you employ its power and wisdom. The lamp on the card represents divine guidance and enlightenment. The Jack O lantern represents protection from evil and disharmony. The months ahead are ripe with change; embrace it, except it and remember that there will always be a candle in the window to help lead you home.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


    Hello all, this blog note is for the person that emailed me about spiritual healing for her son who was suffering with some mental distress. I deleted your email by accident, please resend your email to me. I have recorded an MP3 for your son that will hopefully help with his condition. Hope this note finds its way to the proper person... Thanks all!

Monday, October 27, 2014


     Today's card comes from the Halloween Tarot, and is the Nine of Bats. In the regular tarot, this card would be the Nine of Swords. It is important to realize, at this point, that not all readings will pertain to all people. When doing a reading such as this on a blog, the cards will speak to a certain number of individuals who truly need to hear its message. If the reading does not apply to you, but you know someone whom it does apply to, please pass it on.

     The Nine of Bats speaks of a high anxiety level and great stress. What is keeping you up at night? What is it that haunts your mind and doesn't allow you to have peace? You are trapped in the dark night of the soul and hover with the sun below you and the moon and stars above you. The sun represents Spirit who is your greatest helper at this time. Spirit speaks to your intuition and gives you the guidance that can lead you out of the darkness. It also is the force that influences others to aid you on your path. But you are too steeped in your own sorrows to notice its influence in your life. Take your hands away from your eyes, so that you may see. Focusing on the material circumstances around you only obscures your sight to the higher ways of spirit. The moon and stars outside of the window represent the angelic realm. They illuminate the night and wish to guide you to more peaceful horizons. The cat in the card represents your spirit guide and also your higher mind; they are trying to get you to pay attention to the messages spirit is sending you. Those messages may be coming in dreams, from a trusted friend or spiritual leader, or even through something you read. Spirit speaks in many ways and leaves abundant clues for us when the road ahead is uncertain or foreboding. Learn to listen, learn to trust. The way out of the darkness is there, even if you cannot see it yet. Control your mental activity at this time, even if it is for a brief moment and look for the signs that point the way to peace and safety. You will triumph over adversity and rise like the phoenix from the ashes... In time, this will all be a distant memory.


     It's Halloween week; and every day this week we are going to do a reading on the blog. I will be choosing a card each day from one of my Halloween oracle decks. Today we will be using the Halloween oracle; if any of you are interested in purchasing this deck, it is available at ..

     Today's card is Ancestors: reading this card intuitively, it says that all of us have a family tree that we've come from. You may notice traits in yourself that some of the less desirable members of your ancestry possessed. But by making a conscious effort, you can remove these unwanted attitudes and ways of thinking from your thought processes. You are not your parents, you are not your siblings and you are not any other person that may be in your bloodline. You have the right and the power to rewrite your spiritual and mental DNA. No one can tell you who you are or how you should act. It is your right as a spiritual being to choose who and what influences your life. You also need not carry around all of the emotional baggage from your past. Every day is a new opportunity to start again, and be the person you truly want to be. Holding on to any negative aspects of the past will only perpetuate the same misery, darkness and mistakes over and over again. Release, let go and count your blessings. If your ancestry is one of peace and fond memories, it a time to remember those who have given you such gifts and be thankful.

     This card also speaks of reaching out to those who have crossed over. If there is someone that you still have hard feelings towards who has made their transition to the next life; you can still reach out to that person through prayer or an honest medium. It is never too late to make amends or send forgiveness. You can also use these avenues to connect with someone whom you may miss very much. Halloween is the time when the veil between the world is at its thinnest... anything is possible now!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


    When you ask the angels a question, and get those surprising little revolutionary ideas that pop into your head... That's the Angels answering back.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


    Just a quick note here to let everyone know I'm still alive. My wife has a head cold and snores like a buzz saw when her nose is plugged. So I've been sleeping in my office on an air mattress; hence, the time I would usually spend blogging in the morning is used up by deflating the bed, folding blankets and getting everything in order for the days work.... Ah, life :-)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


    October, the greatest month in the cycle of the year, is upon us. I have always found that this is a very powerful month to read the cards, communicate with spirit, do rituals and even prune the tree of my own life by cutting away what no longer serves me or weighs me down. I think the ancients knew something that many of us in the modern world have lost sight of; And that is, this is the time of year when the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest. Take advantage of the power of October!


      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...