Wednesday, October 29, 2014


     Today's card comes from the Halloween Oracle, and is The Lamp:

     The Lamp asks you to remember where you came from and where you are going. To the ancient Pagans, Samhain or Halloween, was the start of the new year. It was a time to reflect on the year that was behind them and also the year that was ahead of them. They often communed with spirits and employed divination to forecast what the new year might hold in store for them. In the tradition of the ancients, this card asks you to reevaluate your life and your goals. Think about where you have been, where you have come from and where it is that you are travelling to on your path of life. It is time to drop those things that no longer serve you or weigh you down. It is a time for a fresh start, and to begin to plan your harvest for the coming year. What kind of seeds will you plant in the soil of your life? What things from the past will you carry with you on the journey ahead? And what things need to be buried in the graveyard of the past?

     The Lamp not only asks us to remember where we have been and where we are going. But it also asks us to remember where we came from in Spirit. All Hallow's Eve is the perfect time to commune with your higher power and the spirits of your ancestors. These spiritual beings can give you guidance for your life, and also help you to plan for the seasons ahead. Divination is an age old practice that has brought illumination to the minds of many. The Lamp will always give light for your path if you employ its power and wisdom. The lamp on the card represents divine guidance and enlightenment. The Jack O lantern represents protection from evil and disharmony. The months ahead are ripe with change; embrace it, except it and remember that there will always be a candle in the window to help lead you home.

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