Monday, October 27, 2014


     It's Halloween week; and every day this week we are going to do a reading on the blog. I will be choosing a card each day from one of my Halloween oracle decks. Today we will be using the Halloween oracle; if any of you are interested in purchasing this deck, it is available at ..

     Today's card is Ancestors: reading this card intuitively, it says that all of us have a family tree that we've come from. You may notice traits in yourself that some of the less desirable members of your ancestry possessed. But by making a conscious effort, you can remove these unwanted attitudes and ways of thinking from your thought processes. You are not your parents, you are not your siblings and you are not any other person that may be in your bloodline. You have the right and the power to rewrite your spiritual and mental DNA. No one can tell you who you are or how you should act. It is your right as a spiritual being to choose who and what influences your life. You also need not carry around all of the emotional baggage from your past. Every day is a new opportunity to start again, and be the person you truly want to be. Holding on to any negative aspects of the past will only perpetuate the same misery, darkness and mistakes over and over again. Release, let go and count your blessings. If your ancestry is one of peace and fond memories, it a time to remember those who have given you such gifts and be thankful.

     This card also speaks of reaching out to those who have crossed over. If there is someone that you still have hard feelings towards who has made their transition to the next life; you can still reach out to that person through prayer or an honest medium. It is never too late to make amends or send forgiveness. You can also use these avenues to connect with someone whom you may miss very much. Halloween is the time when the veil between the world is at its thinnest... anything is possible now!

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