Thursday, March 14, 2013


    Every human being is free to believe what they wish to believe. But for me, there is no hope in a religion that belives not in the eternal spirit of the individual. For what is spirituality without spirit? Are we to believe that God is some impersonal energy source that formed our complex universe out of some static law of cause and effect? Is the purpose of mankind to return to the dust after his body perishes or to merge with the universe like a mindless drop of water returning to the ocean? I believe that the cosmos is more multifarious than this, and the purpose of man more than just death and decay. I have seen spirits with my own two eyes, and there was no mistaking that they were present. But more than this, if we look at the wonders of nature that exist, even on our tiny planet; it soon becomes abundantly clear that something more than just mere law or chance was involved in its forming. And what better comfort is there in this life than to know that something, somewhere created us, reflects itself through us and loves us? What greater peace can there be than the thought that God wants us and desires to be with us, and one day will welcome us home to a place that is beyond our limited words to describe.

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