Monday, March 27, 2023



   So how do we stop being so stressful and filled with fear and worry? The solution is simple, but the execution of the solution may be difficult for some. But nonetheless, we need to practice taking our mind and attention off of all of the heavy morbidity, negativity, fear and distractions of this mundane world. And start to let our imaginations and our energy open up, and embrace those things that are beyond the physical sight. 

   When you encounter the unseen, when you feel Divine love in your life for the first time, and I mean really feel it in every aspect of your being. It no longer becomes a fairy tale or something that people sit around and debate about. It changes you, your perspective and the way you view this life. The universe truly is a magical and fascinating place; and I for one, could never understand why people would want to shrug off the spiritual and give all of their time, life and energy to the unreliable and burdensome system constructed by man! If we would only turn around and stop chasing the shadows in Plato's cave, our lives and the world would be revolutionized. 

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