Wednesday, February 9, 2022



   The great spiritual Masters and ancient peoples understood that there would be suffering in this life and in this world. They understood that our trials we're like a fire that refined us, making us stronger and wiser. But in our modern society, we believe that everything should be easy and that the Law of Attraction should give us everything we want. We have painted over reality with a broad and deceptive brush of wishful thinking and denial. Perhaps this is why so many have a weak constitution and are riddled with such fear. Because we've never sat down and pondered the big questions or understood that everything in this life is impermanent. Every life will be touched buy trials, suffering and eventually death. We need to realize this and come to a better understanding on how to accept this ultimate reality. These ponderings will either make us stronger and more firm in our faith, or we will continue to avoid them and crumble when we see them looming over the horizon of our lives.

Is pleasure—the satisfaction of happiness— desirable? Then must man live in a world where the alternative of pain and the likelihood of suffering are ever-present experiential possibilities. ~ The Urantia Book(3:5.14)

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