Friday, February 4, 2022


 I'm seeing a lot of Christians on the internet saying that they died and went to hell. Many claim that most Christians are going to hell and they've had visions of believers being tormented in the fire. There is much that could be said about this, too much to mention in a blog post.

However, would God create the heavens and the Earth, and design this planet so carefully to sustain so many life-forms, do miracles in people's lives, and send Christ in the world to die for our sins only to discard us so easily. As one Christian said, she went to hell in her near-death experience because there was one person in her life that she did not forgive for a wrong done. Is the love of God so easily lost when the scriptures clearly state that none of us are perfect and all will sin and fall short of the glory of God?... 

Something doesn't feel right about all of this. (Podcast coming soon on this topic.)

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