Monday, February 21, 2022



    In my work, I generally send out an angel message every Monday morning to those individuals I am working with in counseling, and also, those I have worked with in the past. These angel messages are little insights that I glean in meditation to share with others. And so I thought, what a wonderful idea to perhaps  share these angel messages, every Monday on the blog. I hope that they inspire you and perhaps bring a bit of light into your personal life.

ANGEL MESSAGE FOR THIS WEEK: When it comes to the Art of Living life on planet Earth, there are those things that you would like to do and those things that you are obligated to do. But sometimes, those obligations are self-imposed. You "do" because you think you have to. It would behoove each individual to look at their life through more realistic eyes. What are the things you absolutely have to do, and the things you do out of sheer guilt and habit. Once you start to break free of the illusions of, "having to do something just for the sake of doing it," you will find more time in your schedule to do the things that you would like to do. And in doing this, you will find more joy in life. You are not here to be a slave to anything or to another person's dictates and whims. You are here to create, love, grow and mature as a person and a spiritual being. You have a deep desire to do certain things that you love for a reason. Don't let the world or other people take those things away from you or diminish them in any way. Be who you are, do what you love.

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