Tuesday, February 9, 2021



   With the second impeachment trial of former President Donald J. Trump about to get underway, Trump has made his agenda clear for the proceedings ahead: REVENGE! His goal is to win these legal proceedings, and then re-establish himself as the head of the Republican Party. And then he has stated that he will seek revenge on those Republicans who did not support him and voted to have him impeached.

  And so we ask the question, does a fool ever really learn? Will this man never cease with the arrogance, boastfulness, self-aggrandizing and inflammatory speech? Will he ever take responsibility for one word he has said or one harm he has caused. It appears that nothing is more sacred to Donald Trump, than Donald Trump himself.

  With the failing of the Qanon prophecies, and the arrogant and reckless personality of Donald Trump now on full display. Why would anyone want to support this individual? Can we truly look at what he is saying, and the things he has done and say, this is from God? Perhaps it is time to wake up from the follower mentality, and stop letting political leaders and pseudo-religious teachers lead us by the nose, and over the cliff they are all about to fall over. Common sense and some Godly contemplation will certainly bring to light, the true Spirit of Trumpism. And if we continue to ignore common sense and true spiritual ideals while continuing to follow these pied pipers. The day will come when a terrible fate will tell us, I told you so!

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      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...