Wednesday, December 2, 2020


   Most people are familiar with the gathering, of the Evangelical community around President Donald Trump. Many prophecies have been uttered over this individual, putting him forth to be a modern-day King David, or King Cyrus, who would bring prayer and God back to the United States and make this country, great again. And most Christians and religious people, just went along with these beliefs and prophecies, because after all, these were respected religious leaders telling us these things. But what if there was something else behind the mask, that most people were not quite aware of. What all of this political clamoring from the pulpit had a different agenda attached to it, than most of us would believe.

  Dominion theology, most people have never heard that word before. But it is a theology that many fundamentalist and Evangelical Christians believe in. And Dominion theology tells them that, as Christians, they must Dominate and rule the world as God's chosen people. They believe that there are certain things that they must do in order to cause Christ to return to the Earth and set up his kingdom. And how else will Christians who believe in Dominion theology make this happen, if not through politicians. Perhaps this is a bit of an eye opener as to why so many fundamentalists and evangelicals have cozied up to politicians over the years; and continually  told their followers how important it was to vote, and in many cases, exactly who they should vote for. Sure, christianizing the world sounds pretty innocent and could actually not turn out to be such a bad thing. After all, what if we could get everyone to live up to the highest ideals of Jesus? But this is not so with Dominion theology because like many other religions where certain individuals think they are the chosen ones of God, Dominion theology will take away the rights a various people, outlaw their religions, persecute the non-believers and even condemn to death those who break the laws of the Old Testament. Some who believe in Dominion theology have even proposed bringing back the law of stoning someone to death for breaking the law. Sound crazy? It is actually the truth. This is why I have been telling people throughout this whole political, religious debacle in the United States, to be careful who they follow. Because it just might be leading to somewhere they don't want to go. But then again, sadly there are some folks who know exactly where this path is leading, and they want nothing better than to persecute and prosecute those who do not believe as they do.

  Dominion theology, it is anything but the highest ideals of Christ. And in the latest episode of The Mind's Eye podcast, my guest, Clint heacock and I will discuss these things in much more detail.

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      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...