Monday, December 21, 2020



   In the latest episode of The Mind's Eye, we will be talking about the concept of Christmas, what it represents and how to carry its Goodwill throughout the rest of the year. We will also be asking the question, have many of us lost sight of what Christmas is really all about? 

   As we get ready to enter into a new year, many of us will make New Year's resolutions. And many will make those resolutions with a hope that the coming new year will be better and lighter than the year that has just passed behind us. But I would say, that as we contemplate our resolutions, we should ask ourselves, did we contribute to the atmosphere of darkness in the year 2020. Did we allow ourselves to partake of the hatred, division, anger, racism and blame? And if so, it might be a good idea to get in touch with the magic and love of Christmas and let it be born Anew in our hearts and then permeate the year to come. May love shine forth in all that we do.

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      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...