Tuesday, November 17, 2020



  I've spoken about it many times in my podcast, years before it ever happened. I've warned people to be careful of the modern-day truth movement. Those who label everything as fake, lies and illusions. I've stated many times that if the world faced a real emergency or catastrophe, these people would be on the front lines of making things worse. And now with a pandemic raging across the globe, many claim that it doesn't exist. We even have conspiracy-minded politicians telling people to rebel against science and do as they will against the suggestions of local government officials and authorities.

   The 2020 election is met with many voices crying out about voter fraud. Yet none of the Courts are finding such evidence and dismissing these cases. Yet the conspiracy theorists wail that our election in the United States has somehow been sent to Germany who tampered with the results. They say the United States Army is involved in investigating all of the voter fraud and the Supreme Court is also involved. None of this is factual. Since when have we traded in truth for a delusion and a lie. Are the biblical days upon us, that the scriptures warned us about, that day when there would be a strong delusion to believe a lie amongst many people? Things are not looking well across the globe spiritually.

   Those who claim to be Christians and conservatives, are threatening Civil War and looking more and more like they could become domestic terrorist groups. Racism is running rampant, and Society is dividing itself more and more. There are even new social media sites and apps opening up that support the conspiracy theorists, racists and Qanon enthusiasts. And many flock there, refusing to hear a balanced argument or opinion on world events. I am not a Democrat or a leftist as some would say for holding these opinions. I am someone who has looked deep into the facts and is observing how people are behaving. A storm is brewing in the United States and across the globe, and it is a storm that could sweep us into those final days of this current age. The Bible tells us, come out of her my people and touch not the unclean thing. And the unclean thing is that final days, political religious system that is the Harlot riding the beast. It is rising in front of our eyes with all of this Division and political worship. And those with eyes to see and ears to hear, need to heed the words of the ancient Prophets and come out of her before it is too late.

   Don't believe everything you hear on social media!

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      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...