Monday, October 14, 2019


    Greetings one and all, it's been awhile since I've blogged here on this site. I've been busy podcasting, working and a whole host of other activities to keep life busy. But I've often thought about the blog, and have noticed that people still come here to read the old posts. To be honest, I felt with the end of Google Plus, it would have been the end of the blog. But I guess I was wrong about that.

    And so after a couple of weeks of contemplation, I have decided to return to the blogging world. After all, this meant something here to some folks. And so I've taken the blog back to basics and reinstated the original name, the Mind's Eye. And no, I am not a Freemason because of the graphic at the top of the page LOL. To me, the Mind's Eye is the eye of the higher mind, the higher consciousness. The eye, that if we look through, it can change our perception, and change our lives.
Metaphysics is a very sacred and powerful thing.

    So look for new blogs two to three times a week here in the place where everything started. I'll see you all in the next post.

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