Monday, October 21, 2019


    Quantum physics tells us that everything we see around us as solid, is nothing more then particles and waves. In fact many Quantum physicists say that it seems we are living in a simulation of some sort. The questions many philosophers have asked over the ages is, what is reality? There is so much to ponder, so much to know. And then we have literally, decades worth of information of people having near-death experiences, deathbed visions and descriptions of a world beyond this world. Yet here on planet Earth, we are all living in this very small system of going to work, paying the bills, supporting our favorite political parties and arguing over religions.

    The hamster wheel turns round and round, and yet, and many do not even ponder the greater and bigger picture. How many of us actually take the time each day to try to expand our consciousness? Most times, when someone talks about these greater realities, people will often shrug it off and say things like, "meanwhile back in the real world!" But what is the real world? Is it this small little system that we all live and die in? Or is it something more? Aren't we a bit like the people chained, and living in a cave that Socrates spoke of in his parable? We watch the Shadows dance across the wall and give those Shadows names, and then believe that those Shadows are reality? We tell ourselves that this is the way that the world is, and there's nothing outside of the cave. Perhaps it's time to start thinking about life outside of the box we are trapped in. There's a whole lot more than this!

The first episode of The Mind's Eye podcast is now up and running. If you would like to hear it, please click on or copy and paste the link below. The episode is entitled, The World of Metaphysics and Matter. It is approximately 7 minutes long.

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