Tuesday, July 24, 2018


    When you meditate, and enter into that inner chamber of the heart. You will find there in the silence, the presence of the Divine. In that place, you will find the most profound peace and the most astonishing revelations will rise up into your consciousness. When you're in that sacred space, you will realize that there is truly nothing to ever fear. No thought of any trial, state of life, illness or even death will fill you with dread. Because you will know that you are a spiritual being, and none of these things truly affect the real you. You will also become aware that there is a higher power, a loving presence, that walks with you through your journey of life. And this presence protects you, lifts you up and gives you courage to face any obstacles on the path ahead. You will also come to know, that in this sacred, Divine presence, anything is possible and that miracles can truly happen.


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