Tuesday, February 20, 2018


    Something very strange is happening in our world. People from all over the country are disappearing into thin air and never seen or heard from again. Some of these individuals literally disappear right in front of the people they are with. This is not fiction, nor is it a hoax. Some of these people are found deceased many miles away from where they were taken and the cause of death is always very mysterious. Others are found alive, hundreds of miles away, wondering about confused and not knowing what happened to them.

    A man by the name of David Paulides, who is a retired police investigator wrote a series of books entitled 411 Missing, in which he catalogs some of these very bizarre cases. Many of them take place in wooded areas or in our national parks. Some of these cases are so unusual that no earthly explanation can be given. In one particular case, a young boy was found who had been missing for about a week. A rancher in Texas found the boy on his property, melted through a fence. Not onto the fence, but through the fence. The body was literally melted like candle wax. Officials say that the boy was exposed to a very powerful heat source that literally melted his body. But they have no clue what that source was.

    These bizarre disappearances are not just happening in the United States, but all across the world. And no one knows for sure what is causing it. Some speculate that it is aliens, or some other strange interdimensional beings that we are not aware of. It sounds crazy, but some of these cases are that bizarre. These disappearances have also picked up in frequency as of late. So it is best to be aware of your surroundings when venturing out at night time, especially if you're in or around a remote wooded area. But some of these people have vanished in broad daylight, so are there any rules to these strange occurrences? I feel it's best to be spiritually protected when it comes to things such as this. There are things in our world, and beyond that we have no clue about. Nor do we ever really, seriously entertain the thought that there could be something out there that is not friendly and does pose an immediate threat to our well-being. My theory is this, no matter what or who is out there, on another planet, another dimension or whatever. There are only two paths that any being can walk, and that is in the dark or in the light. So stay in the light, I feel that is our best protection against such uncanny happenings. And always keep an eye on your loved ones, especially your children. Because a great many of these cases involve children of all ages. So keep your little ones under a watchful eye, and also under the protection of the Divine Spirit. I am not writing this blog to make anyone afraid, but rather to make more people aware. There's something going on out there that cannot be readily explained. But even so, we must not live our lives in fear or dread. We must remember, that light always overcomes the darkness.

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