Tuesday, January 17, 2017


    Greetings all, I know I haven't been on the blog that much 2017. But I just wanted to touch base and let everyone who reads the Mind's Eye know that I am alive and well. There are many changes in direction coming this year, including a YouTube Vlog, a new webpage where one can request readings and spiritual services, and possibly even a weekly internet radio show in the next couple of months. I have been hard at work since the end of 2016 to further my education as a spiritual reader, and have also been currently taking the Doreen Virtue Angel Card Readers Course. You're never too old to learn new things, and I have learned some really great and new techniques from this particular course. I am very glad that I decided to take it! The course should be over within the next two weeks, and the changes, as well as the new directions, will begin to take place then. I will try to pop in on the blog once or twice a week and keep everyone posted on what is happening. Peace and blessings to all.

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