Tuesday, September 13, 2016


    All psychic readings, distance healing sessions and spiritual counseling will now be done on a donation basis only. This means, that you only pay what you can afford or what you think the services were worth. And don't worry, if you're unable to pay for spiritual services, I will still assist you in whatever way that you need. Spiritual help and healing should be available to all people; the door should not be closed on some because they cannot afford the high prices that some charge.

    I chose this direction in my life to help people and bring healing and light into their lives. And so I am taking my private practice in the direction that my heart dictates, not what the "business" says I should do to make a profit. My services page on the blog will have all the details for those interested. The page name has also changed. It is no longer, The Fortune Tellers Parlor... It has been renamed, Angel Messages. I hope these changes will be a blessing to many!

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      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...