Tuesday, January 12, 2016


    Another holiday season has come and gone. For some, it is a relief; but for others, it may seem like a letdown as life begins to return to normal. It's difficult for some people to come down off of those emotional highs, excitement and magical feelings of that most wonderful time of the year... and some even start the countdown until it rolls around on the train or time once again. But we need not let those highs fade away or the magic dissipate just because the decorations are down and all the presents have been unwrapped. Those magical feelings and warm glows in our hearts aren't there because of a time of year or a season; they are there because of what that season represents. And what it represents is a closer connection with the Divine, which inspires us to give, love and wish for true peace in our world. Whether we celebrate Christmas, or Yule or any of the other winter holidays, they make something come alive in us that seems to lie dormant for the rest of the year. But that need not be so; because if we maintain our connection with the Divine and truly aspire to be more kind and loving people... then our warm feelings and memories of that special time of year will be with us the whole year through. Remember, it is not a time or a season; it is a state of mind and heart. And that state can be maintained by walking with Spirit every day of our lives!

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      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...