Monday, November 11, 2013


    On November 15th 1979, something happened to me that changed my life in many ways. As a boy of 12 years of age, I had an angelic encounter. This encounter would reoccur throughout my life over the years. I told no one about these encounters for many years, and had just begun to talk about them in the year 2003. It was then that I began to record my experiences in a book that detailed these encounters in all their glory and strangeness. That book, (An Angel Came Down,) was then published in the fall of 2011. Even though the manuscript was complete by mid-2004, I still wrestled with the idea of putting something so uncanny and personal out there for the world to see. I feared that folks would either think I was a liar or a lunatic. But through time and reflection, I felt that this is what the Universe wanted me to do... to release the book. And so I did.

    Thus, every year since the book's publication, I have done angel week on the blog. Angel week takes place on the week of November 15th, the anniversary of the encounter, and the book is made available for free or for the absolute cheapest price. This year, starting on Tuesday, November 12th ... An Angel Came Down will be available for digital download for just 99 Cents. If you have the Amazon Kindle or the Kindle App on your tablet; I invite you to follow the link provided below and download a copy of the book tomorrow when the sale begins. I truly feel that this book has something to say to us everyone.... Blessings to you all!

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