Saturday, March 2, 2013


    Without a human perception to promote it, fear would be almost non-existent. Is there fear in the mind of God? Of course not, it is our creation and brought on by the way we view certain circumstances. There is a certain level of fear that is healthy, that which produces the fight or flight response when we are in physical danger. But then there is the fear that is unessecary like; fear of the dark, fear of the dentist or doctor, fear of bridges or lady bugs etc... What fears do you have that would make your life easier if you did not have them? Think about them and see if you can't trace back where they came from. Usually that lifelong fear is not your idea, but rather the irrational idea of someone else who past it onto you in from their own worrisome life. Find out where you stand on these fearful issues, and then reject the uneasiness that has been planted within your psychi by others.

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