Tuesday, February 19, 2013


    Please welcome to the blog today a friend of mine and fellow author Devin Graves.

Paul: Welcome Devin.

Devin: Thank you for having me Paul, I really appreciate it.

Paul: So tell us a little about yourself and how you began your career in writing.

Devin: Well, I'm a big horror movie fan, love Stephen King and George Romero. I think it was those guys that inspired me to write short stories and poetry in the beginning. I first started doing it as a hobby, then one day I looked at some of my stuff and said, "hey, that's not bad." So I began to send it out and was quickly accepted in various magazines and anthologies.

Paul: And what made you decide to finally jump into the pool of modern authors and make your work more accessible to the avid reader?

Devin: That's a story you know well...LOL... I have been friends with Paul for a while, and one day I came across this project that he had shelved called, Equinox Of The Dead. I loved that title and just went cocoa puffs over it; and Paul was like, "I'll tell you what, you can have the title if you finally put some of your work out there for people to see in the market." What could I say, I agreed to the terms so I could get my mitts on that title...LOL!

Paul: And I'll tell you what; I don't say this just because your a friend: But you did that title proud. The stories you wrote for that book are fantastic. Two of the best zombie stories I have read in years. I can't say enough about them.

Devin: Well thank you, I really appreciate that.

Paul: And so Equinox Of The Dead was picked up by Gypsy Shadow Publishing. When will that be out?

Devin: I'm waiting on the edits for the manuscript right now. I'm not really sure when it will be released; I'm thinking maybe spring or summer this year. Most definately 2013.

Paul: We look forward to seeing that out soon. Thanks for coming on my blog today Devin.

Devin: Thank you sir..

We will be talking more with Devin tomorrow on the blog. In the meantime, please drop by and visit his blog by following the link below. And don't forget to add him to your Google circle of friends or Facebook!




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