Wednesday, January 2, 2013


    My prediction for 2013 is that it will be a rough year financially for all of us. I feel that the global economy will once again rise and fall, (mostly fall with a few small spikes here and there.) The individuals in the governments will begin to follow even more strongly after their own greed and pursue their own agendas... This is definately a time when we all need to bond together in prayer, affirmations and whatever other spiritual practices with intent for change. We can no longer let those who want us all to live in a Godless and spiritually bankrupt society to dictate what morality and politically correct is. The only way to change the situations in our Nations is by spiritual power; without it, the mountains of greed, deceit, poverty and dishonesty will remain firmy planted in our Countries. 2013 can become a turning point for us all, on a glabal scale, but we must all stand up for what is right and invite the Divine Spirit to wash over our world and lives with times of refreshing. The time is now, or we will begin to lose more ground than we already have.


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      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...