Monday, December 3, 2012


    Many people desire to have the mystic experience; they wish they could see an angel, an apparition, have a vision or hear the voice of the Divine. Most people consider other individuals who have seen or heard such things as being very lucky. But luck has nothing to do with it; nor does being a saint or a strict religious person. The key to having the mystic experience lies in taking the time to connect with the Divine in the silence of your own soul, or meditating on spiritual things. We have to connect with God in order for God to connect with us; and then we have to get out of our own way. If we go about life with a mind jammed full of worry, tasks that have to be done or always reasoning away the small signs the universe gives us in the beginning of our experiences; we will evaporate the spiritual in our lives with our own critical thinking. Therefore, we must take this journey of the mystical one step at a time and remain open to the smallest of experiences; and the greatest of these experiences is the guidance that will come from within your own soul.

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